Our world trip part 10: World ARC 2020-21 – “Confiné” in Papeete on Tahiti

After a few “short messages” written during our turbulent four weeks at sea between the Galapagos and Tahiti, it’s time again for an ordinary, long article. I look at the calendar and am shocked to see that we’ve been in Tahiti for 24 days. The days go by quickly, especially when you’re not allowed to […]

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The new world – reflection on the Corona crisis

Dear Connecting Members, I hope you are all doing well, but the world has suddenly changed. At the end of January some of you were still chatting with Germán Frers on Boat Düsseldorf and making plans for a new sailing season. Which underwater paint are we putting under the boat this year and where are […]

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Hallberg-Rassy Connectie Wadden event cancelled due to tightening COVID-19 measures

Dear members of the Hallberg-Rassy Connectie,   Yesterday (23 March 2020) the Dutch government further tightened up some of the measures previously announced to combat the spread of the coronavirus. What is new is that the ban on events has been extended until 1 June, even when less than 100 people are involved.  This means, among […]

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Our World Trip – a short message from the Pacific Ocean

For almost two weeks now we have been sailing in grey and rainy weather from the Galapagos to the Marquesas Islands. Is this tropical sailing? It might as well have been the English Channel, so gloomy day and night during this leg of our world trip! However, it started off very nicely when we left […]

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