How a global circumnavigation became a north atlantic circuit……part 5 bij Marco Thyssen

The ARC 2017 (Las Palmas ARC fancy dress)                       (Las Palmas ARC procession NL delegation) On November 17, 2017 we were ready: 189 boats departed from Las Palmas: the fast boys were first; the other boats half an hour later. With lots of music and loud applause, every ship is sent off the marina: an atmosphere […]

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Hoe een rondje Wereld een rondje Atlantiek werd… Deel 4 door Marco Thyssen

The Departure On the 21st July 2017 at the crack of dawn we left our berth in Nieuwpoort, to sail via Brighton, Portland and Falmouth to Portugal. Exciting, as the route from Falmouth to Sines in Portugal would be our first extended sea voyage! (Provisions onboard in Brighton) The Gulf of Biscay has a formidable […]

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The Hallberg-Rassy calendar 2019 is out!

This week the Hallberg-Rassy calendar 2019 has been released. And guess what? The ships of the Hallberg-Rassy Connection are well represented. Are you looking for the photos yourself or shall we give it away? Here you go! There are photos of HR 40 “Tosue” with the HR 43 “La Gavina”, HR36 MKI “Kendu” and on […]

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Poerstamper Goblet awarded during first captain’s dinner to Mira Straathof, Sy. Seaquest

During the members meeting of the Hallberg-Rassy Connectie on November 17, 2018 in Loosdrecht, Frederik van der Dussen, introduced the “Poerstamper-Goblet” which was unveiled by Robbert-Jan. Some members had addressed the board about it: Robbert-Jan Poerstamper is doing an extraordinary job as a volunteer for our Connectie! A commitment that must be appointed. The secretary, […]

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How around the World became a round of Atlantic … Part 1 by Marco Thyssen

The start of a dream Since the nineties I had planned to sail my Hallberg-Rassy 29 (and later an HR37) to my native country, New Zealand. I worked extensively on both Rassies to make them “ocean-ready”. It was not until 2013 that these romantic dreamy plans became concrete thanks to a fixed end-point for (early-) […]

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Een zeer geslaagde Nimos Meteocursus!

Last 2 Sundays 28 members participated in the Practical Meteo for Sailors training. Henk Huizinga from Nimos Meteotraining has taken us very inspiringly into the wonderful world of the weather. The first Sunday we have considered how the weather arises, how the atmosphere of the earth is put together and even why you sail better […]

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Magnus Rassy, the captain of Hallberg-Rassy, is coming to the Captain’s dinner!

We are very pleased to inform you that Magnus Rassy will be joining us in Loosdrecht! On Saturday, November 17, Magnus Rassy, ​​the CEO of Hallberg Rassy, ​​will attend our first Captain’s dinner as special guest of the Hallberg-Rassy Connection! For the skippers, who have not yet signed up for this beautiful evening: You certainly […]

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