Rondje Noordwest-Europa met HR 36 ‘Kendu’ deel 9

Getting used to it We are in Cuxhaven! That means a change of plans because originally I wanted to go to the Baltic Sea via the Limfjord. But the wind forecasts led to the realisation that the Nord-Ostsee-Kanal is a better option after all. From Helgoland, we therefore sailed up the Elbe instead of continuing […]

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Pinkster Event Vlaamse kust Zeebrugge 27-29 May 2023

NOTE: EVENT CANCELLED!! On Saturday 27 May, we will moor our Hallberg-Rassy’s at the long jetty of the Royal Belgium Sailing Club (RBSC) in the Prince Albert Dock at Zeebrugge where our second Vlaamse kust Event will take place. A discounted berth will be reserved for all registered participants. We therefore encourage all HRC members […]

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Oosterschelde Toer Event Zierikzee week end 17-18 june 2023

Region South is organising the Oosterschelde Toer Event on the Oosterschelde and in Zierikzee on Saturday 17 June. Zeelandbrug rendezvous point and then round the Oosterschelde Around 12.00pm, the participating boats will gather on the western side of the Zeelandbrug. The Zeelandbrug (VHF 18) will be operated at 5 minutes before half past and 5 […]

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Rondje Noordwest-Europa met HR 36 ‘Kendu’ part 6

Latest maintenance Eleven and a half tonnes. That is the answer to the question I asked myself how much Kendu would weigh when she is hanging in the crane. According to ‘the brochure’, a Hallberg-Rassy 36 weighs seven and a half tonnes. And that would be an empty boat. So we can say that provisioning […]

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Report information meeting Sunday afternoon 19 March 2023 Trip to Chatham and London 2024

In the wake of Michiel de Ruyter: voyage to Chatham (1667) Attached is the link of the presentation: Chatham & London presentation Bruinisse-On line Rally to Chatham and London The Hallberg-Rassy Connection is planning a 10-day sailing trip from the Belgian coast to Chatham and London in spring 2024. A meeting between HRC management and […]

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Sunday 19 March saw the first information meeting for the HRC Trip to Chatham and London in 2024. During this well-attended meeting, perfectly organised by Commissioner South Bernard Stockman, a large number of practical matters were discussed, about which more soon. One such matter concerned the cumbersome clearance procedure caused by the Brexit. Fortunately, this […]

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Rondje Noordwest-Europa met HR 36 ‘Kendu’ part 4

Letting go In the summer of 2022, I was in France at the little river ‘La Drobie’. Beautiful, mountainous surroundings where the little river makes its way to the sea with many waterfalls and pools. It is a life path in itself. All sorts of things live in those pools. Beasts moving on and around […]

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Rondje Noordwest Europa met HR 36 ‘Kendu’ part 3

The route and navigation “Oy, it’s really nice weather to sail home….” This thought will be familiar to any sailor. Situation: you have three weeks of summer holidays, have just spent a week on the English south coast and the conditions are fantastic for sailing back. Actually, you don’t have to go back until next […]

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The aim of our annual meeting is Dyvig Havn. This beautiful port, immersed in nature, offers all the assets and opportunities for our meeting. Pure Danish Southern Funes Archepelago combined with a variety of opportunities for sailing. Depending on the wind and weather, desire or mood, you tend to stay in the sheltered Als Sound […]

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