Rondje Noordwest-Europa met HR 36 ‘Kendu’ part 2

Stocking Many people ask me, “So, are you busy preparing now?” And then my answer is often that it’s not that bad. And it is because most things don’t feel like ‘preparation’ but more like part of the usual maintenance and ‘being nice to the boat’. Except for the provisioning issue. When it comes to […]

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Around northwest Europe with HR36 MkI ‘Kendu’ part 1

“….what better year to go on that trip than 2023?” That was Marleen’s conclusion when we had a brief but intense conversation about my plans for the future in late 2021. It was at a time when I was in doubt about possibly rejoining an organisation after being self-employed. My reasons: a nice team, nice […]

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Briefing session Sunday afternoon 19 March: Voyage to Chatham and London 2024

In the wake of Michiel de Ruyter: voyage to Chatham (1667) Rally to Chatham and London The Hallberg-Rassy Connectie is planning a 10-day sailing from the Belgian coast to Chatham and London in spring 2024. When: As a period, 9 May to 20 May (Ascension – Pentecost) have been put forward. We will sail in […]

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After an event on the Wadden last year, this year’s annual Whitsun event will again be organised by the HRC on the IJsselmeer and at Medemblik. Behind the scenes, the HRC Noord team is working hard to make it another memorable Connectie weekend. The rough contours are now known We will gather in the Oosterhaven […]

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Last call HRC Lustrum Book

Dear Connectie friends, Many great submissions have already been received for the HRC Lustrum Photo Book. The stories and photos already on the Newlywords collection site give a wonderful picture of the enthusiasm with which Hallberg-Rassy sailors enjoy their beautiful ship and much more. But by no means everyone has contributed yet. You still have […]

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Sign-up open for HRC Varvsbesök Ellös Zweden 27 February 2023

Dear Hallberg-Rassy friends, It almost feels like a pilgrimage: a trip to beautiful Sweden where our ships saw the light of day…. The very exclusive “VARVSBESÖK 2023” is now under construction. On 27 February, it is really going to happen and it is not to be missed! All crews are cordially invited to join this […]

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2e HR Solotour Cowes, Solent 3 juni 2023

Our second solo tour is coming up again, HR SOLOTOER COWES 3 June 2023. The preliminary programme is as follows: All participants will start from their home port, collectively or individually at a time of their choice. Saturday 3 June 2023 Cowes 13.00 drinks for solo sailors on board FLAIR 16.00 meeting HR SOLOTOER ZEILERS […]

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New Year’s reception in Lelystad Marina, Grand Café “Aan ut Water”

On 15 January, we will organise our New Year’s reception. A great time to catch up and learn about beautiful holiday sailing destinations that other members have already visited or the ones you want to pass on to new members. In short, a nice and cosy moment for networking and getting to know each other […]

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Report first Lustrum Captains Dinner 2017-2022

Saturday 12 November, around 170 members participated in the first coastal rum Hallberg-Rassy Connectie Captains Dinner aboard the SS Rotterdam. Prior to the dinner, there was the opportunity to take a tour of the ship. There were 2 tours to choose from, “blowing out & waving” and “the SS Rotterdam complete”. These started at 15:30. […]

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HRC Lustrum Limerick

Saturday 12 November 2022, the first lustrum of the Hallberg-Rassy Connectie was lavishly celebrated aboard the SS Rotterdam with an enjoyable Captains Dinner accompanied by live music, more on that later. During one of the interludes, Reinier Pijnenburg, member of the HRC Lustrum committee, presented a limerick that was enthusiastically sung along by the entire […]

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Enthusiastic Hallberg-Rassy sailors spotted in Zeilwereld.

One of the users of the HRC Social app group spotted two enthusiastic stories on the Zeilwereld site from people who make exciting sea voyages with their Hallberg-Rassy. It’s always fun to read what ‘adventures’ you can have with a Hallberg-Rassy and we didn’t want to withhold that from non-users of the app group either. […]

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