On the move again with the Caroline ‘HR62’ week 2!

We had a quiet crew change in Stavanger. In the lee of a large English troop transport ship, the HMS Albion, we moored well sheltered in the Børevika marina in the centre. Sunday we had an extensive safety briefing with the new crew of six, including my Caroline. We are becoming more and more careful […]

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Programme Hallberg-Rassy Connectie Wadden Event 3 June – 6 June 2022

Friday afternoon / evening 3 June Gather at the Marina Makkum. The harbour master will assign you a place and has a special Vereninging tariff. Electricity and water are readily available. +/- 19.00u Start of the illustrious jetty drink. As usual within our Hallberg-Rassy Connectie, everyone brings something tasty to eat and drink and we […]

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JALV (Annual General Meeting) Thursday19 May 2022, 8 p.m. 

On 19 May 2022, our 5th Annual General Meeting (JALV) will be held in the Society of the Koninklijke Watersport Vereeniging Loosdrecht (KWVL) at the Oud Loosdrechtsedijk 153. Before the JALV there is the possibility for an aperitif and possibly dinner (€35), both at own expense. The agenda and accompanying documents for the JALV will […]

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First Flemish Hallberg-Rassy Connectie Coastal Event 10-12 June 2022 in Zeebrugge

We are all very happy that society is opening up. Together with our first lustrum committee 2017-2022, our Region Commissioner South and our Belgium Coordinator, we are preparing our first Hallberg-Rassy Connectie event on the Flemish coast. The event will take place in Zeebrugge during the weekend of 10 to 12 June 2022. Our Commissioner […]

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Return trip to Terschelling with the Grobbebol

As you could read in my last reporter’s report of 2021, Nicolette and I wanted to spend the Christmas and New Year’s period on Terschelling this year. Every year I watched with great interest on the webcam of the Westcord Hotel at the marina how many sailing boats gathered there to celebrate Christmas and New […]

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