Presentation Sojourner This content is available for members of Hallberg-Rassy Connectie only.Login for membersBoat namePassword Remember me Forgot password?Click here to resetRegistration membershipUser NameBoat name*First name skipper*Last name skipper*First name CrewLast name CrewFirst names children crewStreetname and number*Postal code*City*Country*E-mail*Second e-mailPhone number*Second phone numberBoat type*Misil IHR 24 Misil IIHR 26P28HR 29HR 310HR 312HR 31 MonsunHR 31 Mk IHR 31 Mk IIHR 94 KutterMistress 32HR Mistral 33HR 34HR 340HR 342HR 35 RasmusHR 352HR 36HR 36 Mk IIHR 37HR 372HR 38HR 382HR 39 Mk IHR 39 Mk IIHR 40HR 400HR 40CHR 40 Mk IIHR 41HR 412HR 42EHR 42F Mk IHR 42F Mk IIHR 43 Mk IHR 43 Mk IIHR 43 Mk IIIHR 44HR 45HR 46HR 48 Mk IHR 48 Mk IIHR 49HR 50HR 53HR 54HR 55HR 57HR 62HR 64Year builtHull numberHome portNationality*NLBEDEGBFRIRECHDKFIITUSSGSENOLUAUAndersMMSI numberCall signFont of boatname on the hullWebsite boatInstagramMember of a sailing club? If so, name of the clubParticipate in whats app group HRC social?Participate in whats app group HRC support?Do you accept the privat policy?*Picture of the boat (< 400 kB)Picture crew*Required field